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MAXIMUM 1 TICKET PER ENTRY PER MEMBER. To purchase an additional ticket (for another member - wife/child/other member), order 1 ticket for selected match, go to the CART and "continue shopping" for the next person in your group or for another match.


Please note:  THIS WILL BE A HIGH DEMAND MATCH.  Do not book flights until CFC confirms you have a ticket.  Confirmation expected approximately 25 days prior to event.


Please remember:  Only 1 match ticket per True Blue membership. If this match requires Loyalty Points, you are responsible for having them.  


Loyalty Points Required for this match:  10 points

Loyalty Points Received for this match:  3 points


These tickets will be available until April 1.


Must enter full name, age and True Blue # and region during purchase.


You must provide I.D. matching name for each ticket purchased when picking up tickets.

Newcastle United -- Away -- May 13, 2018

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